About Naturopatic Medicine
About Naturopatic Medicine
The practice of naturopathic medicine has roots in the philosophy of Hippocrates and Galen in ancient Greece, and more recent medicinal roots from the “Eclectic school” of M.D.’s which thrived during the nineteenth century. Its medicines draw from European and indigenous American botanical traditions and related healing systems, homeopathy, nature cure, hygienics/detoxification, spinal and soft tissue manipulation, and psychology. They also draw from the most current research into medicinal actions of foods, plants, vitamins, minerals and amino acids. Naturopathy remains compatible and frequently synchronous with traditional healing systems practiced in India, China, central Asia, Africa and South America. In a contemporary culture of scientific knowledge, computer chips, information, precision technology and economic priorities, naturopathic medicine offers viable and effective options for meeting a wide variety of individual or institutional health support needs.
The principles of Naturopathic Medicine:
- To teach and share knowledge of health, life and healing
- Do no harm
- Relieve suffering
- Support the healing powers of nature
- Treat the whole person with integrity
- Address the cause of illness or dis-ease
- Encourage life-sustaining lifestyles
- Respect confidentiality
- Know the limitations of my self and the medicines I am aware of
- Trust the vital healing force of nature
Vis Medicatrix Naturae = Healing Power of Nature