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Calcium, Vitamin D Modulate Human Energy Metabolism

Can outcomes research credibly stand with a reasonably safe and useful role for patients and their care providers? Read the rest of this entry »

Vitamin D tied to fewer stress fractures in girls

"While there was no link between how much calcium girls and young women got in their diets and their chance of getting injured, those with the greatest daily vitamin D intake were half as likely to have a stress fracture as those who got the least." "We know that calcium is important for bone health, so we were surprised to find that vitamin D was only found to be protective," Sonneville told Reuters Health. Still, she added, "Our findings in no way suggest that calcium is not important." Read the rest of this entry »

The world’s health teaches about our own

mindful food choices lead to more stable health How the industrialized world eats is having a disastrous impact on the other six billion people. Read the rest of this entry »

Forgotten Children

This is the viral video that heightens global awareness of child abduction-transformation into soldiers.  Watch it, and feel whatever inspiration you may experience to make healthy change happen from your life out to millions of others.