Posts Tagged ‘diet and diabetes’

Impacts of Substance use/abuse on Diabetes

The outreach coordinator, Leah Dupre at recently made me aware of a good resource that advances awareness and understanding of the impacts of substance use on diabetes.

Dr. Karen Vieira, PhD MSM has created “a comprehensive resource on the implications, contraindications and the latest research regarding substance abuse and diabetes.”
The link below will take you to, “..a comprehensive 6,000 word research piece, and it is the product of our shared desire to help prevent and treat harms associated with diabetes and substance abuse. It includes easily-understood graphic elements, 31 supporting citations of landmark research and authority sources (seen at the bottom) and answers for the most common questions regarding diabetes, alcohol and every major drug of abuse.”

You can navigate numerous topics by placing the cursor over the “Skip to Section” button.

The comprehensive nature of this resource affirms the interrelated nature of all of the body’s physiological systems with the progression and consequences of having any kind of diabetes diagnosis.

What we put into our bodies truly affects our whole being.

Good Diets involve balanced intake of protein, carbohydrates and fats

People who eat the most protein, especially from animal sources, are more likely to be diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, according to a study of European adults Read the rest of this entry »

A dietary strategy to stabilize blood glucose levels for those with Type 2 Diabetes

New research presented at the June 2014 American Diabetes Association Scientific Sessions suggests that canola oil helps control blood glucose in people with Type 2 diabetes when it's incorporated into a low-glycemic index diet. Read the rest of this entry »