Posts Tagged ‘Children’

Home Cooking Helps Keep the Calories Down

"Researchers found that those who cooked dinner six to seven times a week ate an average of 2,164 calories daily, while those who ate out the most, cooking dinner no more than once a week, consumed an average of 2,301 calories per day." Read the rest of this entry »

WHO deeply concerned over childhood obesity

"As the 2014 World Health Statistics report bluntly states, our children are getting fatter,"she said, while warning that childhood obesity is a growing problem with especially high costs." Read the rest of this entry »

Weight of the world: 2.1 billion people obese or overweight

"Obesity is a complex problem fueled by the availability of cheap, fatty, sugary, salty, high-calorie "junk food" and the rise of sedentary lifestyles. It is a major risk factor for heart disease and stroke, diabetes, arthritis and certain cancers." Read the rest of this entry »